In human history, the moon has always been seen as very mysterious.
Since ancient times, full moons have been linked to strange or crazy things like sleepwalking, death, breaking the law, violent outbursts, and, of course, werewolves.
However, science has proven that none of these things are true.
When it comes to the full moon and fishing, it has been much harder to disprove the myth.
Many experts don’t think the moon has much to do with fishing in freshwater, but the number of personal stories from all over the continent seems to suggest that when the moon is full, there might be something deeper going on below the surface.
Do these claims have any truth to them? Let’s make it clear!
What Are the Phases of the Moon?
If you’ve ever stared at the moon for a while, you probably already know the basics of how the moon changes.
Let’s quickly go over the main phases of the moon to make sure we’re all on the same page.
- Full moon-The moon is on the side of the Earth that faces away from the sun, so it looks like a very bright, fully lit disk.
- New moon-The moon is between the sun and the Earth, so none of the light from the sun gets back to the earth. Instead, the moon’s back, which we can’t see, is lit up.
- First and third-quarter moon-The first and third-quarter moons are the halfway point between when the moon is new and full. Usually called a “half-moon” because it’s half-dark and half-light. During these stages, the moon is 90 degrees away from the sun from the Earth’s point of view.
What Are the Behaviors of a Fish During a Full Moon?
When there is a full moon, the behavior of various fish species might vary greatly.
Some fish, like trout, are drawn to the intense moonlight that shines at night, which causes them to be more active during the night and less active during the day.
This is because trout want to avoid being seen during the day.
Trout and carp are more active during the night because some insect hatches are caused by a full moon.
As a result, trout and carp may feed more heavily during the night and be less active during the day.
What Are the Tides with Moon Phases?
In the realm of deep sea and saline fishing, tides reign supreme.
With a firm understanding of moon phases, the next stage is to examine how they impact tides.
Each month’s full and new moons are responsible for the greatest tides, known as spring tides.
The peaks are greater and the valleys are lower.
These large tidal fluctuations have various effects on the behaviors of fish.
Neap tides are characterized by the smallest vertical difference between high and low tides.
This occurs during the first- and third-quarter phases of the moon.
Understanding how tides affect your fishing location is essential for increasing your yield rate.
Expect lure fish and their predators to be on the move during spring tides.
As fish swim with the current to conserve energy and locate sustenance, you should not swim against it either.
Determine the locations along the structure, such as jetties and points, where fish can evade the current and congregate.
A neap tide poses its difficulties.
With less turbulent water movement, fish have more time to disperse and search for sustenance.
If you are not capturing fish, you should not be hesitant to try new locations.
What Are the Best Days to Fish According to the Moon?
The three days on either side of the new moon, and the three days on either side of the full moon, are the most productive fishing days.
When there is a new moon or a full moon, the tides are at their highest point in the cycle.
After the full moon, the height of the high tide begins to decrease and reaches its lowest levels during the last quarter moon (neap tide).
After then, the tides begin to rise once more, and they reach their highest point during the new moon.
In general, higher numbers of fish are caught at times of increased water flow, such as at high and low tides.
When the sun and the moon are in a position where they are perpendicular to one another, fishing is at its very worst.
Neap tides are caused when the sun and the moon are out of phase with one another, which causes the gravitational forces to cancel one other out.
Does a Blood Moon Affect Ice Fishing?
Anglers have said that they catch less when there is a full moon.
A complete lunar eclipse, which is also called a blood moon, is still a full moon.
When there is a blood moon, the moon’s pull on the tides and effect on how fish eat is the same as when there is a normal full moon.
Other kinds of fish, such as bass and bluegill, typically lay their eggs around the time of a full moon and are therefore less likely to be actively foraging for food at this time.
What Are the Theories of the Fishing Moon Phase?
If you are learning how to fish, you may be curious about the ideal times to fish according to moon phase fishing theories.
In other words, can you catch more fish or will you have a greater chance of catching larger fish if you utilize information from a moon phase calendar?
Many anglers believe it is worthwhile to learn more about moon phase fishing theories because they have personally observed a correlation between moon phases and fishing success.
Although contemplating the best moon phases for fishing sounds scientific, don’t fear; it’s not difficult to comprehend their foundation.
The most essential thing to remember about fishing by the moon is that periods of a full or new moon are the most productive, assuming stable weather and water conditions.
Moon phase fishing theories cannot be anticipated to hold, if a frigid front passes through the area or if the water becomes murky after a period of heavy rainfall.
There are many variables to consider when attempting to capture fish.
The phase of the moon may be one of them, but it is by no means the most significant factor in determining when to fish.
The influence of the moon on fish activity can be readily overshadowed by the weather and the season.
What should you do then?
Simply go fishing if you have a day to spend on the water.
The only method to ensure you will not catch any fish is to not go fishing at all.
Have joy maintaining a journal or using an app to organize your experience and catches.
Don’t allow the phase of the moon to keep you indoors!